Monday, March 30, 2015

Super quick snow particle

      Today after being inspired by an example in the editor, I decided to take it upon myself to recreate what I miss most from home, snow. This particle took maybe 20 minutes to make and an additional 10 minutes to tweak. It cannot be perfect based upon that amount of time, but for having just started using Cascade, I was pretty happy with myself.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Short, helpful class blueprint to test a basic skin/blood shader

I decided to mess around with the subsurface shader settings in the material editor (and for this particular example, the two sided foliage one) to try to start to replicate how human flesh functions with strong light.

I needed a quick and simple class blueprint that would let me mess lower and raise two light intensities independently. It is by no means a difficult or particularly momentous achievement, but the practice made it feel like something worth showing, especially since the shader looks pretty awesome!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My favorite racing game Intro

     Mario Kart is one of the few modern racing games that still does an amazing job at familiarizing the player with the track in a short 10 or so second intro sequence. Cloudtop cruise, my undisputed favorite Mario Kart track, only really needs to show two shots the introduce the player to their environment and let them know what to watch out for.
     The first shot shows the calmer and more twisty section of the race on the pleasant clouds. It introduces the visual motifs as well as one of the more difficult turns on that section if you were to be unfamiliar with the track.

     The second shot introduces you to the more industrial and scary parts of the map, where you are not only on an anti-gravity portion, but is also a faster and more dangerous part of the map with a unique obstacle; Lightning. The beginning of the shot guides you through the main curve of the track and the end of the shot showcases where the lightning is likely to strike.

     I think this is an amazing race intro because it is able to show a huge amount of the level and its mechanics in just about 10 seconds. I think I could use this type of camera movement and shot language to show my obstacles (tanks and blocked paths) so the first lap is as easy as possible for the player to understand and not make any mistakes that would cause them to have to reset or adjust after and epic crash.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Explosive "barrel" and turret design.

For my barrel, I am thinking I will do a wooden ammo crate or some sorts to fit with our theme of an "Mexizona" military base.

I was thinking of something like these:
For my turret, i will be adapting my design for my level's giant set piece gun to make a smaller, visually similar model that I could use towards the final model of the other artillery piece.

Here is what I was thinking of that I modeled quickly.