Monday, September 8, 2014

Modular kit in 3D class.

     In 3d, we are making a modular kit to go with our 3d level that we are making as a class. As we go along, we discover what it really means to be modular. The obvious being that everything has to be compatible by size and shape to a point. If something is half as tall as another piece, it should work in that way, whether it be stacked or the geometry combines in a presentable way.

    Another thing that while making my kit, that I discovered, is that putting modeling on the edge of a piece can cause some problems when trying to piece the level together. If there is decoration on the edge, maybe it will work with a duplication of the same wall, but what about with a different wall, or a doorway. You constantly need to think of how a piece will fit with another. This is not to say that there shouldn't be edge decoration, but if there is, it should work with all pieces throughout. It is sometimes easier just to make trim, which our group is, to unify the whole look of the level and add extra visual appeal to the level.

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