Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Platformer Pitch: Safety Inspector.

     In typical platformer fashion, my level is set in a much more dangerous situation than the saem situation would be in reality. My current idea of a setting is a Spike factory for all the other sidescroller games that need environmental hazards under inspection for safety. Of course, the factory is nowhere near in safe condition as there are pits full of spikes and spikes on the ceiling, as well as at least one malfunctioning elevator. Like any safety inspection, no one was expecting it, so it is in the middle of a normal work day and no one was prepared.

      The Architecture would be steel girders and I-beams and factory equipment and service elevators. The factory's product, spikes, are strewn everywhere and stuck to places that they have no business being stuck.

     Prior to the inspector's arrival, the workers were clumsy and kept making mistakes and not taking care of their factory, leading to the condition it is currently in. The Inspector, who we can call Tony, made his surprise visit to the factory and was in horror at its condition. Nevertheless, he still needs to do his job and try not to be another workplace death in this mismanaged and disorganized factory.

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