Thursday, April 16, 2015

Arcade: Smash TV

Prioritized feature list

1. Player Locomotion: 8 way cross directions, shooting(Tim)

2. Enemy behavior: Move towards you and try to attack, no advanced pathing, can be solved with a find look at and movement. (Tim&Zaq)

3. HUD: Score, Ammo for special weapon, lives, notification of pickups (Note, Score and ammo are located in the level, not on HUD, but in ours it will all be on UMG) (Tim)

4. Player health and respawn, Pickups: 1 health point and 5 lives (Health and respawn: Tim, Pickups:Zaq)

5. Wall collision: walls block you; each has a door that is locked until you clear room

6. Game Camera: Top down, static per room and moves to next room as you exit. (Tim)

7.  Hazards: land mines, as you move on, more are present if appropriate. (Tim & Zaq)

8. Score: money, gold and presents and rewards (such as A BRAND NEW VCR) give you score. Most likely will involve an array with point values assigned and different 90s era rewards. (Zaq&Tim)

9. Companions: Some powerups give you short companions that hover around you as a powerup (Zaq)

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